How will you spend money in 2023 according to Astrology?

How does your zodiac sign spend money? For example, what would you buy if you won the lottery and had to spend it all within 48 hours? Gemini may splurge on a closet full of fashionable shoes, while Taurus may be stocked with fine wine. What do you buy? Check out Astrology for insight into each sign's spending style.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

   To an Aries, everything that passes through those hot little hands of yours is a toy. And money is a particularly fun toy. You get what you want, the second you want it -- which the commercial says, in your book, is "priceless." Of course, it doesn't matter if you're close to the limits of the plastic you're carrying... passion is your middle name. That goes double when you've got some extra Benjamins in your pocket.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Quality or quantity? Many of us spend hours and hours of our lives thinking about it. However, the answer is buried deep in the back of your value-conscious brain: both.

Fortunately, you're a money-magnet, and an expert at finding objects, experiences, and people who answer those descriptions, so why settle? When you find what you want (after a lot of very pleasant comparison shopping), you drop the cash or plastic, smile your thanks, and happily shrink away to enjoy yourself.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Unlike your Taurus neighbors, you don't just want one, special, unusual thing, experience or friend -- you're a collector. Like a lot of what you like. In fact, if "Variety is the Spice of Life" wasn't written by or for a Gemini -- well, it wasn't written at all.

So when it comes to deciding whether or not to stack bills, pull out your ATM or make a big mess of your visa, if the decision involves a collection, a medley or an assortment, you're in.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Home, children and family. Those are the keywords most often associated with your mark. What's often not mentioned is that you also sometimes feel guilty -- when you think you haven't paid enough attention to all of this. So when it comes to spending your hard-earned pesos, it's easiest for you to do so -- to justify it, that is -- when you're making your home even more homey (as if that's possible), or buying a gift for a loved one. .

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Royalties deserve the best and some less. You, Leo, will be just that, the lion, the sign of royalty. Otherwise why would those ancient coats have all those lions? That means when it comes to spending, you won't hesitate to pull out all the stops -- for yourself, sure, but more so for those you love, since you're also famous for treating those closest to your heart (also ruled by Leo). ) more like royalty. Beware, though. Spending like royalty means you have to earn like royalty … or end up on the gallows.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

You've probably got a big jar of silver coins, another tightly packed with pennies, some bills tucked away in a coffee can, and a real savings account somewhere. Or if you're superstitious, there might be a tightly wrapped bundle of cash somewhere else.Wherever it is, down to the penny, you're sure of exactly what's in store. When you decide to spend any of it, there has to be a very good, logical reason for it -- and a great sale going on.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Spending on yourself? Well, yes -- but only for beauty products, beauty procedures or the latest fashion, and only to keep your significant other (current or potential) happy and interested. Spending on others? Especially the ones you love the most? It's simple.

You love them, which deserves their best, and nothing less. It doesn't matter if it's their birthday, a holiday or just a Wednesday. If you see something that you're sure will make them laugh, you'll buy it. Take it easy on the plastic, though. Remember, your lovely company is the greatest gift.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Your nature is fierce - no doubt about it. This has been written down for centuries - and you don't need an astrologer to tell you that. This goes for every action you take, from picking up groceries to investing in mutual funds. So when you go on a shopping trip, unlike your Aries or Aquarius cousins, you don't need to carry your plastic, cash, checkbook or hand with you. You must be equipped to handle it yourself.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

As your friend Shakespeare once said, Sag, "Here's Rob" -- when it comes to spending money, it's like any other department in life: unrestrained. It doesn't matter if it's in your hand, in your account, on the way next week or on sale tomorrow.

If you see it and you want it, you want it now. Right now, or not at all. Fortunately, your planet Jupiter will be in your sign for more than a year, so you will probably be able to do it. Even so, you may have some extra to toss around, try not to do it indiscriminately.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Separating yourself from your earnings is often not an easy task -- well, it's never an easy task, because you rarely have an easy job. As such, with anything you do, spending more than a quarter on paper can involve charts, diagrams, months of research, and lots and lots of comparison shopping. Don't let anyone talk you down. You're one of the three smart buyers of the zodiac, so you always end up with what you want.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

You've heard the expression "emotional buyer." You've probably learned by now that you, along with a few other symptoms, definitely fall into that category. More importantly, though, before you fall victim to impulse spending for any reason, consider one thing: Is what I'm about to buy unique? If so, and you really like it, you'll hack everything but grandma's jewelry to buy it. If it's what everyone else is wearing, doing, or where everyone else is going, forget it. Personality is what matters most.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

You're motivated by one thing, for the most part: emotions. In fact, to be perfectly blunt, at times you can be a salesperson's dream: the impulse buyer. That doesn't mean you're spending irrationally, but when an item or experience evokes a pleasant emotional memory, it's obvious -- and any salesperson worth their salt will pick it up from the moment they ring the doorbell. Protect yourself from them. Think of them as sharks (not far from the truth) and bring a shopping chaperone if you plan to spend more than $50. Either that, or shop online -- with your chaperone in the chair next to you.
